our work.

Mukilteo Robotics

Mukilteo Robotics is a student-led non-profit organization located in Mukilteo, Washington. Their organization participates in VEX Robotics, a global competitive robotics program. As part of their program, members have the incredible opportunity to develop their STEM skills, completely free of charge. students of different races, ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds find common ground, united by their shared passion for robotics and the pursuit of STEM.

  • • Mukilteo Robotics has over 40+ members.
  • • Mukilteo Robotics is completely free for all of its members.
  • • Mukilteo Robotics raised over $20,000 for their 2022 - 2023 season.
Group picture of members of Mukilteo Robotics at a championship event in Washington State.